Riding Techniques for Your Jet Ski

One of the best things about jet skis is the exciting on-water experience they offer riders that allow navigating rivers, lakes and oceans. Whether you choose to take a leisurely ride at a slower pace or one that has you riding the waves at 50 miles per hour, jet skis come in a variety of styles and designs to meet your needs. Once you’ve purchased your own jet ski it’s a good idea to practice different riding techniques so you can build your jet ski driving skill set so you can have even more fun while keeping you and your passengers safe. Here are some of the more commonly used riding techniques for your jet ski.
One of the reasons why so many jet ski owners prefer the stand-up riding technique is because it allows them more control over their jet ski and the ability to use their legs to absorb the shock of large waves. This is accomplished by placing your feet a slight distance back from the jet ski’s handlebars and slightly behind your shoulders. You’ll want to be in a semi-standing position with your knees slightly bent so you’ll have a greater ability to handle rough water, lean while turning and jump the jet ski if you want to.
Whether you plan to ride your jet ski on a river, lake or the ocean, most jet skis offer a comfortable ride when cruising. The best way to cruise is to sit down with your feet forward on the footrests and your back slightly bent. This will enable you to better absorb the shock of any waves. Sitting in this position also allows you to lean with your jet ski while turning. You’ll also be able to turn more efficiently and reduce your risk of falling off your jet ski. Cruising is ideal when the water is calm or slightly choppy.

When riding your jet ski at all times be very mindful of other boats and jet skis around you. Of most importance is always, always, always to look behind you before making any turns. Jet Skis by design are very nimble and can turn on a dime. Make sure your day is not ruined by turning in front of a following water craft.
When you ride a jet ski with one or more passengers it changes the handling and techniques a driver must take to keep everyone safe. For starters, the extra weight makes turning the jet ski more difficult and requires your passengers to lean into the corner at the same time. If you plan to have more than one person riding on your jet ski, be sure all passengers are securely on before you slowly accelerate from the dock. Passengers should remain seated and not make any sudden movements since the jet ski is less stable due to added weight.
Docking is an essential riding technique all jet ski drivers must master. The way to dock your jet ski all depends on the type of dock you have. As you approach any dock you’ll want to reduce the jet ski’s speed to an idle to avoid an accident or collision with the dock. Even though you may have reduced your speed to an idle prior in preparation for docking, at times you will still have too much forward momentum to dock your jet ski comfortably. An easy riding trick to reduce your forward momentum is to make a hard 360 degree turn 20-30 feet in front of your docking or landing area. This will greatly reduce your forward momentum and allow you to dock at a more comfortable speed.
As you near the dock or shoreline, shut off your jet ski’s engine and allow it to coast to the place where you’ll secure it to a pier or lift. It’s very critical to remember, once you shut off your jet ski, you will no longer be able to steer it. Exit your jet ski when the water is shallow enough for you to reach the ground safely and stop the jet ski from running onto the shore. If the dock is a deep water dock, slowly approach the dock, shut off the engine just before making contact and grab hold of the dock to stop the jet ski.

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